We are looking for posts under the following categories:
- Advocacy/Government Relations
- Marketing/Communications
- Governance, Board & Leadership
- Strategic & Business Planning
- Human Resources
- Meeting & Event Planning
- Membership
- Education, Programs & Services
- Sponsorship & Non-Dues Revenue
- Technology (including CRMs, Websites & Social Media)
If you feel that there have been categories missed, please let us know, we would be happy to speak with you to further discuss additions to the above list.
If you are interested in submitting a post:
- Submissions received in Word documents preferred.
- Include any links to outside references that you would like included
- All posts will have an image. Should you have one that you would like us to review & use, please submit along with the post. Otherwise, an image will be selected on your behalf.
- Post Length: While there are no “rules” to be applied, common practice is that posts are between 200-750 words. The idea is to provide value to our readers within a quick-read.
Submitting: Please send your blog and image (when applicable) to Meagan Rockett (meagan@greenfield-services.ca). When received, we will advise of the date of post. Please include a short bio to include in the post as well.
Other Tips:
- Subject Lines should be eye-catching
- Calls to action identified, when appropriate
- Posts should not be self-serving, but provide value to readership
Should you have any questions about the information provided below or wish to submit posts on a regular basis please do not hesitate to contact:
Angie D’Aoust
Co-Chair Communications Committee
Mona Forrest
Co-Chair Communications Committee
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net